The Medical Clinic

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Is It OK to Get a Flu Shot While Sick?
The typical flu season occurs from fall to early spring. The length and severity of an epidemic may vary. Some lucky individuals can get through the season flu-free. But be prepared to be surrounded by sneezing and coughing for a few months out of every year. Flu symptoms include coughing, fever, headache, sore throat, and runny nose.
Flu virus adapts every year that is very difficult to avoid. Before each flu season, Health experts suggest a few precautionary measures that you should have to follow to stay healthy and strong. The flu shot works because it prompts your immune system to produce antibodies. In turn, these antibodies help the body fight off the types of flu viruses that are present in the vaccine. After receiving the flu shot it takes about two weeks for these antibodies to fully develop.
Who needs a Flu shot – Most of the people get affected from other rapidly. After every six months, everyone should 6 months of age or older be vaccinated against the flu. Keep in mind that the shots are not 100-percent effective in preventing the flu. But they are the most effective method to protect against this virus and its related complications.
Who should not get a Flu Shot – it is very important to visit a Medical Clinic for getting information about whether you can get flu shot or not. However, if are having the following condition you shouldn’t go for a Flu shot. People who have had a bad reaction to the flu vaccine in the past should not get a flu shot. If you are severely allergic to eggs you should avoid vaccination. If you are mildly allergic, talk to your doctor. You may still qualify for the vaccine.